Courage Marine Group Limited



(1) Proposed Capital Reorganisation Involving Capital Reduction And Share Premium Account Reduction And Share Subdivision; (2) Proposed Change Of Board Lot Size; And (3) Proposed Open Offer On The Basis Of One Offer Share For Every One Share Held on The Record Date Payable In Full On Application

BackJul 27, 2020
Announcement Title General Announcement
Date & Time of Broadcast Jul 27, 2020 12:02
Status New
Announcement Sub Title Proposed Capital Reorganisation / Proposed Open Offer - Hong Kong Mirror Announcement
Announcement Reference SG200727OTHRMPQT
Submitted By (Co./ Ind. Name) Lee Pih Peng
Designation Deputy Company Secretary
Description (Please provide a detailed description of the event in the box below) Please refer to the attached.


  1. Attachment 1 (Size: 267,611 bytes)
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